Keys to Success in Jeannette

There are different ways to get the word out about you and your business. We suggest the following to Kick-start your business in the City of Jeannette. We have also included some quick tips that will help you succeed. We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • Attend a Jeannette Business Association Meeting – We meet at 8am on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Ketter’s Restaurant, 221 South Fourth Street in Jeannette.
  • Network, Network, Network – The Jeannette Business Association holds membership in the Westmoreland Chamber of Commerce and the Norwin Chamber of Commerce. You can attend their meetings representing the Jeannette Business Association and can exponentially advertise you and your business along the RT 30 corridor.
  • Market your business for FREE – Once you are a member, you can send flyers and specials out to other JBA members by attending the meetings or emailing the information to the address above. Updates are sent to our members at least once a month.

What You Need to Know About Doing Business in Jeannette:

The city’s website is and there is a lot of helpful information available. There are grant opportunities available through our community development program for facade improvements as well as painting supplies. Please contact:

Diana M. Reitz, Community Development Coordinator

Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

3rd Floor, City Hall
110 South Second Street
Jeannette, PA 15644

Business Phone: 724-527-4000 ext 6

Business Fax: 724-527-4024

More details coming soon!